Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP)
Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP) is the gold-standard treatment for treating an enlarged prostate causing lower urinary tract symptoms. A camera (cystoscope) is inserted into the urethra (waterpipe). Under direct vision, a holmium laser fibre is used to remove the central part of the prostate gland, leaving only a peripheral “capsule” behind.
A catheter tube is left in the bladder and this is usually removed the day after the surgery. The procedure is carried out under anaesthetic and most men go home 1-2 days after surgery. All the tissue removed is sent to the laboratory for analysis. The risk of bleeding is low and any size prostate can be treated. Compared to a TURP operation, more tissue is removed and the risk of needing further intervention in the future is lower. The long term risk of urinary incontinence is low.
Further information can be found here:
As with any prostate surgery, some loss of urinary control can be expected for the first few days after surgery. It is helpful to start Pelvic floor exercises well before surgery to minimise this problem. There is an excellent information leaflet here:

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